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Get Involved


  • Become a Care Coach (Biblical Counselor)

  • Sort and organize the donations for our store, JCC Bookstore

  • Teach one of our JC Creates art classes

  • Become a Financial Coach for a JC Works' employee

  • Be a JC Works' Teammate by building a friendship with an employee and working with them

  • Provide transportation for a JC Works' employee

  • Provide technology/web support or assistance with graphic design projects

  • Assist with our annual New Creation fundraising event


  • Donate Christian books, devotionals, worship CDs, portable CD players, DVD’s etc. for our store, JCC Bookstore

  • Donate journals, Bibles, and spiral bound index cards for our Power Packs used for Biblical Counseling

  • Donate tickets for a special enrichment activity (off campus experience)

  • Give financially to support our programs

  • Gift cards for rewards for our JC Works' employees


  • Participate in our Prayer Sponsorship Program by having your small group sponsor a client’s healing journey through faithful prayer and encouragement.

  • Become a member of our Prayer Team that meets with a client at his/her request to pray for a breakthrough in an area of the client’s life

For more information about getting involved, email us at

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