Get Involved
Become a Care Coach (Biblical Counselor)
Sort and organize the donations for our store, JCC Bookstore
Teach one of our JC Creates art classes
Become a Financial Coach for a JC Works' employee
Be a JC Works' Teammate by building a friendship with an employee and working with them
Provide transportation for a JC Works' employee
Provide technology/web support or assistance with graphic design projects
Assist with our annual New Creation fundraising event
Donate Christian books, devotionals, worship CDs, portable CD players, DVD’s etc. for our store, JCC Bookstore
Donate journals, Bibles, and spiral bound index cards for our Power Packs used for Biblical Counseling
Donate tickets for a special enrichment activity (off campus experience)
Give financially to support our programs
Gift cards for rewards for our JC Works' employees
Participate in our Prayer Sponsorship Program by having your small group sponsor a client’s healing journey through faithful prayer and encouragement.
Become a member of our Prayer Team that meets with a client at his/her request to pray for a breakthrough in an area of the client’s life